2,551 research outputs found

    The MAGIC extragalactic sky

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    The MAGIC telescope, with its 17-m diameter mirror, is currently the largest single-dish Imaging Air Cherenkov Telescope. It is located on the Canary Island of La Palma, at an altitude of 2200 m above sea level, and is operating since 2004. The accessible energy range is in the very high energy (VHE, E>100 GeV) gamma-ray domain, and roughly 40% of the duty cycle is devoted to observation of extragalactic sources. Due to the lowest energy threshold (25 GeV), it can observe the deepest universe, and it is thus well suited for extragalactic observations. The strategies of extragalactic observations by MAGIC are manifold: long time monitoring of known TeV blazars, detailed study of blazars during flare states, multiwavelength campaigns on most promising targets, and search for new VHE gamma-ray emitters. In this talk, highlights of observations of extragalactic objects will be reviewed.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, submitted to proceedings of "44th Rencontres do Moriond 2009, Very High Energy Phenomena in the Universe", February 1-8, 200


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    The urban analytics expression is spreading out. To our understanding, it deals with the capability of measuring cities and their communities, as a support to their effective planning and management. In other words, being an analytically well-known city is a precondition for pursuing smartness. Urban planning is a very important item for city management and is interrelated with many layers, including urban environmental quality, air quality and well-being. Effective urban planning is based on the knowledge of quantitative parameters such as the biotope area factor (BAF), which was originally proposed for the city of Berlin and is currently used in other cities. The BAF index is used to evaluate the degree of soil permeability and measures, to a certain extent and from a specific point of view, how a city is eco-friendly. The usual way of evaluating the BAF is based on the manual construction of dedicated maps, using existing orthophotos and oblique imagery as a support. But this method is expensive, time-consuming and non-objective, as it is prone to different interpretations. The paper presents a newly-developed methodology for calculating the BAF. It is based on the use of existing digital cartography and on the application of geoprocessing techniques from GIS science: it is therefore fully automated and objective. The Pavia city (Northern Italy) is used as a testsite and a careful validation of the developed methodology is carried out, by comparison to 12 manually surveyed test areas, corresponding to 5% of the built-up areas of the municipality

    La misura del valore di suolo e i processi di valorizzazione

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    Il volume presenta i contributi presentati nella XXIV Conferenza Nazionale SIU, Sessione 7 ‘La misura del valore di suolo e i processi di valorizzazione’. La call ha invitato a riflettere sui processi attraverso i quali si attribuisce al suolo un valore in qualche modo misurabile (ad esempio, il mercato immobiliare, l’applicazione di strumenti urbanistici, l’estimo ambientale). I 25 contributi affrontano diversi aspetti e declinazioni della misura del valore del suolo, con riferimento particolare all’aspetto dell’equilibrio (che richiama il tema più generale del processo valutativo) e della compensazione (ambientale, economica, simbolica) intesa come condizione necessaria per l’utilizzo del suolo. I saggi sono organizzati per tre parole chiave: mercato, patrimonio e ecologia


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    The A. discusses the identity of a mealybug collected on Bermuda grass (Cynodon dactylon L.) in Bari, ltaly, apparenthy referable to Chorizococcus rostellum (Lobdell, 1930), a species as yet known only from North America.  L'A. discute l'identità di un Pseudococcide raccolto su gramigna (Cynodon dactylon L.) a Bari, apparentemente riferibile al Chorizococcus rostellum (Lobdell, 1930), che è tuttora conosciuto solo nel Nord America dove comunemente attacca piante erbacee

    Grid services for the MAGIC experiment

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    Exploring signals from the outer space has become an observational science under fast expansion. On the basis of its advanced technology the MAGIC telescope is the natural building block for the first large scale ground based high energy gamma-ray observatory. The low energy threshold for gamma-rays together with different background sources leads to a considerable amount of data. The analysis will be done in different institutes spread over Europe. Therefore MAGIC offers the opportunity to use the Grid technology to setup a distributed computational and data intensive analysis system with the nowadays available technology. Benefits of Grid computing for the MAGIC telescope are presented.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figures, to be published in the Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium ''Frontiers of Fundamental and Computational Physics'' (FFP6), Udine (Italy), Sep. 26-29, 200

    Avaliação da contaminação de alface (Lactuca sativa) por coliformes termotolerantes e Escherichia coli em sistemas de cultivo orgânico e convencional.

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    A alface (Lactuca sativa) é a hortaliça folhosa mais consumida no Brasil, sendo classificada como um importante alimento para a população por ser uma rica fonte de vitaminas. Em função das práticas adotadas, o seu cultivo pode ser orgânico ou convencional. No entanto, alface pode ser um veículo transmissor de microrganismos patogênicos ao homem, como coliformes termotolerantes e Escherichia coli, uma vez que se encontra em contato com esses contaminantes presentes freqüentemente no solo, na água, nos insumos naturais (cama de frango) propiciando o desenvolvimento e a sobrevivência dos mesmos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar quantitativamente, a presença de Coliformes termotolerantes e de E.coli em água de irrigação e de pré-lavagem, assim como, o produto alface não lavada e pré-lavada, cultivada sob cultivo orgânico e convencional, em relação a recomendação da ANVISA. As coletas foram realizadas em dez propriedades, cinco de cultivo orgânico e cinco de cultivo convencional, localizadas nas cidades de Ibiúna, Jaguariúna, Campinas e Morungaba - SP. Em laboratório, as amostras foram submetidas à análise de tubos múltiplos e série bioquímica e procedeu-se a avaliação pela técnica de contagem do Número Mais Provável. Os resultados mostraram um alto índice de coliformes termotolerantes e E. coli, na água de irrigação sendo um fator importante pela contaminação da alface, independente do sistema de cultivo. Todavia, o cultivo convencional apresentou índices de contaminação por esse microrganismos na água superiores ao do cultivo orgânico. No produto alface, a pré lavagem contribuiu para a redução da contaminação por coliformes termotolerantes e E. coli, que no entanto essa contaminação pelo primeiro foi mais alta em ambos os sistemas de cultivos. Além disso, outras práticas utilizadas nas propriedades como, a higiene pessoal, o uso de adubos compostados não adequados e a presença de animais nas áreas de cultivo são fontes de contaminação.Dissertação (Mestrado em Agroecologia e Desenvolvimento Rural) - Centro de Ciências Agrárias, UFSCar, Araras. Orientador: Pedro José Valarini, Embrapa Meio Ambiente

    measure and proportion as keyword for qualitative town squares

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    The authors of this paper refer specifically to public space as that of the town square.According to Italian tradition town squares have been clearly recognised since the Renaissance period.There are several studies about meaning, perception, and the shape of public spaces such as squares but there is no research about their actual measures, proportions, and about the presence of some recurrent numbers.This study develop a thematic synthesis about meaning, definitions and proportions before seeking similarity about spatial dimension using simple statistical instruments.The study comes from a pedagogical exercise, undertaken in the last three years in the Course of Urban Design at University of Pavia, where students developed 80 data sheets based on free web information measures of Italian and European squares.</p
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